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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No.1 - Austria

Opportunities and limitations of Green Guidance. Is Green Guidance a solution to today's challenges in educational and career guidance?

Workshop Leader: Jeanette Hammer

Jeanette Hammer works as a certified educational counsellor and career guidance counsellor at “bbn Bildungs- und Berufsberatung Niederösterreich – Verband Niederösterreichischer Volkshochschulen” (Educational and Career Guidance Lower Austria - Association of Lower Austrian Adult Education Centres).

Her professional background includes the following tasks and functions in particular:

  • Educational and career guidance in a rural region in Lower Austria (individual and group counselling, networking and public relation) as a part of the network educational and vocational guidance in Lower Austria
  • Quality and knowledge management for the whole network
  • Board member of the Association of Austrian Educational and Vocational Guidance Counsellors
  • Board member of a counselling centre for job seekers in Lower Austria

Workshop Description

Opportunities and limitations of Green Guidance. Is Green Guidance a solution to today's challenges in educational and career guidance?

In the workshop I will give an overview of the current challenges and changes Austria and Lower Austria are facing (shortage of skilled workers, climate change, mobility, consequences of the pandemic, old-age poverty, migration, ...) and the impact of these challenges on the work in educational counselling and career guidance.

One way to meet these challenges is the model of green guidance. Reflections and concrete examples of how green guidance can be embedded in the everyday work of educational counselling and career guidance (strategies for counselling, "green jobs" project, ...) and where the limits of this model currently lie from our point of view.

I am looking forward to the exchange and discussion about the challenges and different approaches to solutions.


Presentation Workshop No. 01