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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No 2 - Croatia

Connecting students and employers: the role of internship

Workshop Leader: Marija Gudan

Marija Gudan works at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. She has a Master in education of French language and literature and Master in Polish language and literature, but for the last 9 years she has been working in project management and implementation of projects funded by the EU. For 7 of those 9 years, she was also working as a French teacher for children in primary school and high school.

Those seemingly opposite careers helped her improve her communicational and organizational skills and gave her the possibility to work with different groups of clients resulting in great compassion and open-minded way of thinking.

An EU project led her to her current position – career counsellor at the Centre for Career Development at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Zagreb), where she helps students navigate the demanding labour market more easily. She works with students, professors and employers every day. She conducts workshops, does vocational informing and career counselling, but at the same time she is actively involved in the implementation of EU projects.

Workshop Description

Connecting students and employers: the role of internship

The aim of this workshop is to show how the organization of internships for students and connecting students and employers can help us become better career counsellors.

In Croatia there is no formal education for career counsellors, which means that very often, counsellors have to rely on themselves when they start working in that position. However, prior experiences and people for whom you are providing services can be greatest teachers, you just need to pay attention and recognise your opportunities, which can sometimes be difficult.

Main goal of this workshop is to share experiences and to see
- how can we improve as counsellor
- and how can we help educate future career counsellors.


Presentation Workshop No. 02