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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No 4 – Czech Republic

Prevention of emotional exhaustion at University for Ukrainian refugees

Workshop Leader: Sofiia Berezka

Sofiia Berezka graduated from Donbas State Pedagogical University with a degree in practical psychology in 2014, in 2019 received her PhD in Psychology. She worked as a practical psychologist in a preschool educational institution and as an assistant professor at the Department of Practical Psychology at the Donbas State Pedagogical University. Since 2019, she has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Practical Psychology, teaching the disciplines «Psychological Correction», «Self-Knowledge and Communication Competence Training», «Leadership Development and Team Building».

She has experience in project activities as part of the work of the NGO "Youth of Eastern Ukraine", also graduated the School of Facilitators under the program «Active citizens» from the British Counsel. She is an Еxpert of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality of Ukraine. Since 2022, Sofiia Berezka has been working as a consultant at the Career and Counselling Centers of Masaryk University.

Workshop Description

Prevention of emotional exhaustion at University for Ukrainian refugees

We will introduce a system of integration endorsement for refugees at universities that was developed at Kariérní centrum at Masaryk University. At large we will analyse psychosocial support of the students connected to the process of adapting new work and study conditions. We will work with arteterapeutical techniques for emotional exhaustion prevention of refugees. These techniques are suitable for individual as well as group work with clients who need to rebuild their resources or get to know themselves.


Presentation Workshop No. 04