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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No 5 - Germany

“Staying on top of the counselling game” - How to keep up and improve your counsellors performance in a fast changing world!

Workshop Leaders:

Beate Gebauer

Beate Gebauer – Studies of political sciences in Munich. Several years of work experience in international business at multinational companies of the tech industry. Joined the Federal Agency of Employment Hamburg in 2016, working as a guidance counsellor in the Youth Employment Agency (Hamburg model for guidance) with young people from 15-25 since then.

Birgit Tschense 

Birgit Tschense - Studies in German, journalism, media, political science in Bamberg and Düsseldorf. Initial work experience in journalism and market research. Since 2002, a studies and career counsellor at the Federal Employment Agency Düsseldorf. Training Expert (2013), Eurodesk Mobility Advisor (2014), University Lecturer (2017), EURES-Advisor (2022).

Workshop Description

“Staying on top of the counselling game” - How to keep up and improve your counsellors performance in a fast changing world!

Global challenges are changing our work as career professionals. We would like to give an overview of the training for career counsellors in Germany and how we are equipping ourselves for these new challenges and would like to compare this with the participating countries.

In the second part, we would then like to introduce and practise the technique of “Cooperative Counselling” and practise it with the participants.


Presentation Workshop No. 05