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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No 6 - Germany

Future of career counsellors’ competence – what is expected from practice?

Workshop Leaders:

Prof. Peter Weber

Peter C. Weber, Dr, is Professor for Career Guidance and Counselling at the University of Applied Labour Studies in Mannheim, Germany. He is a member of the IAEVG Board, member of the CEDEFOP CareersNetwork, researcher in the field of career guidance and counselling in national and international projects.

Jenny Schulz

Jenny Schulz, M.A. is a research assistant at the University of Applied Labour Studies in Mannheim and a career counsellor. She has worked in various counselling contexts at the Federal Employment Agency in Germany.

Workshop Description

Future of career counsellors’ competence – what is expected from practice?

The workshop will discover requirements for (future) career counsellors’ competence from a practical point of view. And participants will reflect, what forms of learning and training can be used to build up competences in the best way. To work out these questions, the first step is to be developed from the method of "Design Thinking". In the workshop, the participants develop a differentiated understanding of the current situation and a common picture of a possible solution ("future career counsellors’ competence").

Background: Professional career guidance provides an important service for people and society. To provide such service, functioning structures as well as well-trained and motivated career counsellors are a prerequisite. High-standard training and stable employment prospects are also important for the attractiveness of the profession of career counsellor. In recent years, career counsellors, associations and networks have continuously strived to describe and establish such high standards for education and further training. But are the contents still up to date, or do they have to be adapted to the current and future challenges?

In the workshop, the participants will work on topics for future professional guidance counsellor along several trends about upcoming challenges of a "Changing World" and develop ideas for suitable forms of learning and training. The offered trends refer to "Digitalization and Changing World of Work", "Individualization and Changing Life Paths", "Contextualization and Collaboration" and "Health and Selfcare". The method of "Design Thinking" consistently uses the view of practice to create ideas and "prototypes" of a desired future in several steps.


Handout Workshop No. 06