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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No 7 - Hungary

How can we become more skilled at motivating students in this VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world?

Workshop Leader: Judit Osika

Judit Osika is a leadership facilitator and coach. Judit works on projects in the corporate sector and in the educational sector too. This connection between these sectors allows her to have a hands-on mentality and a practical approach when it comes to working with teenagers and young adults on self-leadership skills and career orientation. Next to working with high-schools and universities, she also works with initiatives on facilitating entrepreneurial mindset hackathons, summer schools and start-up competitions.

Workshop Description

How can we become more skilled at motivating students in this VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world?

In the times of FOMO, FOBO, climate anxiety, all the changes we have witnessed the past few years and the mere complexity of how to choose one’s career, we are experiencing that more and more students report being unmotivated and feeling lost in how to find their path in life. This gives us counsellors an extremely big challenge to motivate them to take action and inspire them to see the world that is full of possibilities, a world where they belong to, a world that is waiting for them to make a difference and be part of a solution.

This is going to be an interactive and self-reflective workshop where we are experimenting with tools to empower and motivate the students who are the ‘leaders of tomorrow’.


Presentation Workshop No. 07