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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No. 10 - Latvia

Counselling Issues with International Students

Workshop Leader: Agita Smitina

Dr sc. admin Agita Smitina, career counsellor and assistant professor at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, has worked as a career counsellor in higher education for 13 years.

Workshop Description

Counselling Issues with International Students

International students often face challenges. They can experience communication issues, failure in socialization, loneliness and difficulty in making friends, and culture shock, sometimes express feelings of rejection, isolation, loneliness, tiredness, and stress. Also, the topic of career is rather actual for students who spend a considerable time abroad.

The workshop leader will outline the experience of 4 Latvian universities in working with international student counselling and the most typical issues they have to deal with. The participants will share their experience with counselling foreign students. We will summarize the most typical difficulties of students, the challenges of counsellors in these consultations, as well as existing and potential solutions for dealing with challenges.


Presentation Workshop No. 10