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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No 09 - Latvia

Cardiogram of Life

Workshop Leader: Dr. Inta Lemešonoka

Dr. paed. Inta Lemešonoka is the Chair of the Latvian Career Development Support Association. Since 2005 she has been involved in school staff training, mainly focusing on the development and provision of modern career guidance services for young persons, including their parents. Since 2007 she has published 6 books in Latvian and English on providing career support in schools, on parents’ support of children’s career choices, and on career guidance for youth with social risk status.

Inta has extensive experience in the development of publications and methodological materials for guidance practitioners. Inta has 13 years of practical experience in face-to-face career counselling, since 2019 also counselling online. She has participated in national and international projects and working groups on career guidance issues.

Workshop Description

Cardiogram of Life

The Life Cardiogram consists of the events of a person's life: achievements and victories – failures and crises. The Life Cardiogram is similar to the medical cardiogram with rises and falls, with ups and downs.

Participants will have the opportunity to take part in a masterclass to create their own Life Cardiogram and have a chance to see their own lives from a different vantage point and perspective. This method helps to improve a person`s attitude to life in general and to misfortunes. The benefit is understanding how to use crises and failures to improve your life quality and career development.


Presentation Workshop No. 09