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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No. 11 - Poland

How to work with change as a career counsellor

Workshop Leader: Sylwia Korycka-Fortuna

Sylwia Korycka-Fortuna works for the Polish National Europass & Euroguidance Center. She is a career counsellor & coach with business background. She has 17 years of managerial experience in international corporations related to media and advertising. She perfectly understands business realities and the need of self-realization at work. She also has a proven track record of working with individuals on career path planning, burnout syndrome, motivation, commitment and work-life balance and is experienced in creating and running webinars for career counsellors.

Workshop Description

How to work with change as a career counsellor

Change is the only thing that happens all the time. We deal with it both in private and professional life. The work of career counsellors is always about change (attitudes, competences, jobs). In order to support clients on the path of change, it is necessary to know the dynamics of that process to prepare the best appropriate response.

During this session, the counsellors will develop ideas for actions that can support their clients in the moment of weakening motivation and emerging discouragement.


Presentation Workshop No. 11