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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No. 12 - Portugal

Well-being matters: socio-emotional development practices in school

Workshop Leader: Tânia Marlene Pacheco Nunes

Tânia Marlene Pacheco Nunes works for Agrupamento de Escolas de Cristelo, Paredes, Porto ( She is a school psychologist, with a Masters and PhD in Psychology applied to the School area, by the Minho University. Currently working in school context and linked to higher education. Self-regulation of learning, inclusive education, school engagement and socio-emotional well-being are her main topics of interest.

Workshop Description:

Well-being matters: socio-emotional development practices in school

The school is a place of convergence between students, parents, teachers, operational assistants, psychologists, actors of the various ecosystems that integrate it. It is, therefore, a privileged context for promoting the social, physical, and emotional well-being of all those who inhabit it. Mental health promotion is one of the pillars of training children and young people in health promotion and education, which is even more relevant after the pandemic period, which brought us several personal and professional challenges.

Thus, mental health, in the light of current scientific evidence, emerges as a priority area of intervention in schools. Socio-emotional learning is described as a process of developing social and emotional skills by children, young people, and adults, corresponding to the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that each one needs to consolidate in order to make choices consistent with themselves, to have rewarding interpersonal relationships and socially responsible and ethical behaviour.

This learning can be deepened through socio-emotional skills programs and activities. But should mental health be worked only with students? What is the importance of guidance professionals’ self-care? What is the relationship between the socio-emotional development of the guidance professionals and the quality of their work with their clients at school?


Presentation Workshop No. 12