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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No. 13 - Serbia

Practical Training for Practitioners: Enhancing Employment Outcomes for Safe House Beneficiaries

Workshop Leader: Andrijana Stojanović

Andrijana Stojanović worked at the Safe House for a period of six years, and has since served as the Manager of the Shelter for the Homeless and Day Care for Children with Disabilities (Center for social protection services) since last year. In partnership with Caritas and the Austrian YourJob Project, the "Training for Employment of Safe House Users" program was established. As part of the project, Andrijana Stojanović and career counsellor Milicom Bogdanov co-authored a manual „Manual for the employment of users of the Social service - Safe House“. This project was awarded Tempus's first prize for exemplary practices.

The YourJob Project is an international regional initiative supported by the Austrian Development Agency and Caritas Austria. Its objective is to enhance the employability of young people by equipping them with the skills needed to enter the labour market, enhancing their motivation, providing them with job experience, and offering support and guidance to make them competitive in the labour market. Additionally, the project aims to raise awareness among employers and increase their willingness to hire young people.

The YourJob Project is implemented in three towns in Serbia and the city of Zrenjanin is one of those towns. The Project was deemed successful, and it has been extended beyond its original three-year duration. It is now scheduled to continue until at least 2025.The project has engaged over 800 young people from Serbia so far, of whom 50% are women.

Key project activities include employment counselling and training, as well as other measures such as courses, professional practices, business start-ups, and more. The beneficiaries of this project are young people aged 15 to 30 who are considered to be a challenging employment category, including the long-term unemployed, social assistance recipients, young people with disabilities, and other young people.

Workshop Description

Practical Training for Practitioners: Enhancing Employment Outcomes for Safe House Beneficiaries

The Practical Training for Practitioners: Enhancing Employment Outcomes for Safe House Beneficiaries workshop is designed for pedagogues, psychologists, social workers, and anyone working with marginalized groups who aim to help women break the cycle of violence and become self-sufficient through employment.

The primary objective of this workshop is to enhance the employability of participants by achieving specific goals, including:

The training will equip participants with the necessary skills to identify beneficiaries' knowledge, skills, and abilities, provide necessary tools to empower the safe house beneficiaries with job-seeking skills and for them to maintain employment.

The workshop will utilize a PowerPoint presentation and facilitate work in small groups. The workshop is expected to last for 01:45 hours.


Presentation Workshop No. 13