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Cross Border Seminar 2023 - Workshop No. 14 - Slovakia

Train the Trainer – Future Skills

Workshop Leader: Peter Rusiňák

Peter Rusiňák is a PhD. graduate from the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia, who is passionate about bridging the world of academia with businesses and entrepreneurs. He coordinates all AmCham Slovakia education initiatives, including the Train the Trainer program where business professionals support high school and university teachers in developing their soft skills. In his spare time, Peter trains future leaders in soft skills, communication and business etiquette.

Workshop Description

Train the Trainer – Future Skills

The 90-minutes active workshops invites participants to embark on a journey highlighting our long-term efforts to actively deepen cooperation between business & academia and connect the education sector with the needs of the labour market.

The trainer will guide participating career counsellors through the unprecedented change that is dynamically shaping the labour market as they will jointly determine the critical skills students need to thrive in to shape their future success. Participants will also stumble upon the curriculum specially designed for Train the Trainer, the flagship development program for high school teachers, directors and career counsellors in Slovakia.


Presentation Workshop No. 14